It’s that time of year when the decision needs to be made; to make New Year’s resolutions or not.  If only 45% of the US population make resolutions there sure seems to be much lip service to the idea without as much follow through.  I tend to fall into that 45% making the resolutions.  All the thinking gets put into what in my life needs to change.  Then I think what can I really do about those needed changes?  So then one asks herself, will I really follow through with the resolution?    I know typically I  fall into the 86% of people over 50 who fail to achieve to carry out that resolution through the year.  The list of most common resolutions seems to be a good place to look when considering the decision.


Lose Weight


Getting Organized


Spend Less, Save More


Enjoy Life to the Fullest


Staying Fit and Healthy


Learn Something Exciting


Quit Smoking


Help Others in Their Dreams


Fall in Love


Spend More Time with Family

Yep, I could try to change some of these things in my life.  Yep, I think they have been on my list of resolutions before.  Yep, I’ve not carried them through the year.

So back to the dilemma, to be resolute or complacent to change?  Do you struggle with change like I do?  Hmmm, should that be worked into a resolution?  Perhaps the need to be more creative?  Oh, is that a resolution?  Stay tuned…………………….