Valentine rosesIf you have visited our inn, you know I like to decorate.  At Christmas that might even be considered an understatement.  January comes knocking on the door just as Santa Claus needs to take a rest until next December.  Snowmen take their places on the shelves and mantles, then add a few hearts, shades of pink, and roses, and romance fills the air as February hits the calendar.  What’s next?

Yes, it’s true a few shamrocks can be placed to make things St Pat's basketjovial, but the dilemma remains, February is still lingering and winter still has some claws holding fast.  This year is making the decision even more difficult, do I dare to display Spring so early?  But looking at the calendar, (wait, yipes!) Easter is fast approaching! Yes, the days are getting longer, but bunnies and tulips?  Can dreams come true? Could we skip this winter that wasn’t?  I’m ready. As February draws to a close, I have gotten used to not needing the boots to go outside, and those snowshoes can just keep their dust until easterbunnext winter.  I think I’m over not getting “the big snow” for this winter, I surely don’t want it mid-March. (Apologies to all our southern east coast friends who did get a big one this year, you can keep it.)  March will be a month of transition into Spring.  Easter will roll on by and so I suppose we can look at bunnies, ducks, daffodils and chicks, and by the time April arrives those sights and flowers will be here, real time, on the outside