Heigh ho, heigh, ho, it’s off to work we go!  That’s right, isn’t that how everyone feels in the Spring?  The sunshine and warmer temperatures create energy and call us to get up and get moving, get us motivated to do something.  Around the inn we decided to get some projects accomplished that have been on that “to do” list for, well, let’s be generous, and say a year (maybe two…).

First up, the privacy screen.  If you have been to the inn in nicer weather, you may have taken a stroll around the grounds and gardens.  Secretly tucked away on the south side of the house is a nice big patio, flower gardens and small fish pond.  This area was secluded from the street by a row of hemlock trees.  Unfortunately, our northeast portion of Pennsylvania has been plagued by pest called  hemlock woolly adelgid, which stops new growth, old needles brown, fall off and eventually kills the tree.  We have treated our trees and slowed the progress of the trees dying, but have still been left with unsightly dead lower branches and the loss of our privacy.
Debates have raged on an answer how to fix this problem.  The second factor in this issue is an out of control wisteria plant.  When we bought our property, in 2005, the previous owner was concerned she cut a wisteria vine too severely.  On the contrary, the pruning helped the plant thrive, and unknown to that owner, the plant had been very sneaky and sent ground runners to the other side of the row of hemlock.  This created a beautiful bloom last season, but what were we growing, hemlock or wisteria?  Ta, da!  The idea for the privacy screen was agreed upon.  It would be a lattice fence which in a few short years would be covered with beautiful blooming wisteria, and if ever needed the hemlock trees could be cut down without the loss of privacy. As spring has just arrived, work has just begun.  If your list is like ours we will keep finding projects that will keep us going all season long.  Next up, the patio?